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Cost burden for logistics


According to the Institute of Research and Development of Vietnam Logistics, expected in 2016 through the Export-Import cargo volume will reach 470 million port with 13.3 million TEUs tons. Import Export volumes in the next year will rise more than doubled in 2016 and 2025. Moreover, the DN Vietnam are actively expanding the market, to expand production so will need to use more logistics services. Hence, the need to develop and use the service logistics industry will also rise.

However, the logistics enterprises are facing many barriers, including cost issues are of most concern. TS. Trinh Thi Thu Huong, Head of Department, Transport, Foreign Trade University, said Vietnam logistics enterprises are mainly small and medium enterprises, large enterprises less capital development is very limited. Therefore, enterprises should focus more funds for the development of technologies and services should desire to minimize costs and the necessary support.

Share this regard, the representative of JSC Logistics U & I said, DN logistics are always under pressure from foreign enterprises when they have the financial capacity, technology, quality of service almost reached sky. Therefore, to facilitate businesses, the authorities should take measures to tax incentives, income tax exemptions from logistics activities in a certain period of time ... This policy will help enterprises increase somewhat its financial capacity.

Phan Thong, Secretary General Shippers Association, deputy director of JSC Freight SAFI said cost that logistics companies are paying very "chaotic", each place a kind, even collected fees unreasonably. In particular, most ridiculous cost carriers often come from abroad, while Vietnam logistics enterprises work with most carriers, this was somewhat lower costs of logistics services in Vietnam is higher than the water DN in addition, reducing competitiveness.

The most typical example is in early May 7-2016, the certification of the entire container volume (VGM) in international freight is carried out has led many logistics enterprises have lost much complained when some cost more when doing service. Because businesses must not only additional cost for port container weight from a few hundred up to one million for the balance of container cargoes subject, which shall also be shipping companies voluntarily collect a fee (called Free of VGM) when shipping containers on board while there is no basis to carriers raises fees for shippers.

Reasonable assistance

The issue costs and tax incentives not only desired logistics businesses that are urgent needs of businesses in general. According to experts, the support or changes related to these issues are not easy to implement by binding commitments from the integration. Besides, with the goal of building an equitable business environment, lowering taxes or making concessions, the companies are entitled, as such, businesses still have to manually logistics Vietnam improve competitiveness .

More on this issue, Dr. Trinh Thi Thu Huong said that in the context of integration, the state can not intervene in the policy to support the domestic logistics industry, especially on taxes. Therefore, the State should act as "levers" to support the development of, for example, act as an intermediary connection with Imex enterprises, establishment of units more closely manage the charging of foreign carriers , have strict sanction mechanisms for those acts improperly charging ...

Particularly with tax issues, Mr. Nguyen Duy Minh, Secretary General of Association of logistics services companies in Vietnam, Director of JSC International Logistics Logistics Interlog said more companies desire to reform administrative procedures, to date, the Association has not received the petitions on obtaining exemptions or tax support, which is often the recommendations by the problems in the process, to solve the case, but have been agencies tax answered.

Many logistics enterprises in that country, everything even the smallest support are also needed for the development of current businesses. Despite many difficulties, but the companies still expressed optimism when the policies of the Government or the concerned agencies have focused more on support businesses, create a favorable environment for business development.